Selected Abstract Corner @ Fourth Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course
Awarded AbstractColumellar strut or tongue-in-groove? 1577 cases. Different point of view.
I. Kuzanov, A. Kuzanov, G. Kuzanov, G. Ioseliani -
Presentation and Videoclips @ RhiSoEu Video Symposium
Deadline: February 15, 2014
Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Members and perspective Members are invited to present a brief videoclip or a short paper about a specific technique or innovation in rhinoplasty.A special section of the RSE meeting will be dedicated to host the selected presentations.
Selected presentations can last a maximum of 5 minutes, and will be followed by discussion with moderators and audience.A prize will be awarded to the best presentation as selected by a dedicated jury.
Click HERE or use THIS form to send abstracts