Sixth Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course

■ Shaping the Dorsum by Piezo: Composite Reduction and Osteotomies

17 Mar 2018
08:00 - 09:00

■ Shaping the Dorsum by Piezo: Composite Reduction and Osteotomies


B – Comprehensive


This video based masterclass will take the delegate through skeletal vault exposure, the anatomical approach to  bony dorsum projection reduction using piezo instruments, demonstration and handling of the cartilaginous and mucosal mid vault and its reduction, establishment and fixation of the bone vault dorsal aesthetic width and position using piezo instrumentation and bespoke management of the cartilaginous mid vault dorsal aesthetic lines. Special attention will be given to the anatomical rationale for osteotomy selection.


  • The delegate will be able to describe the anatomy of a dorsal hump and how to expose, modify and remove each bone and cartilage component of a dorsal hump and how to create new dorsal aesthetic lines.
  • The delegate will be able to describe the application of piezo technology to managing the bony anatomy with regard to bone removal and osteotomies.