Seventh Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course

MINIFELLOWSHIP May 27-30, 2015

Advanced Minifellowship in Revision Rhinoseptoplasty

May 27-30, 2015


The exclusive interactive opportunity to enhance your know-how in the theater

Live surgeries
Daily lectures
Clinical case analysis

We are pleased to announce the second edition of the “Advanced Minifellowship in Revision Rhinoseptoplasty” in Bergamo, in the high tech Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital.

As announced during the Fourth Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course, this will be a full four days hands-on, round-the-clock  learning opportunity reserved to 7 participants. Dr Robotti and his staff will take the participants, in direct interaction in the operating room, through 4 different cases of revision rhinoplasty, requiring a complete spectrum of surgical techniques, from local rearrangement to rib.