Fifth Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course

Transformation of the Overly-Wide Tip Complex with Reinforcement, Repositioning, and Reshaping of the Tip Cartilages – Effective Refinement without Cephalic Resection

17 Mar 2016
08:00 - 09:00

Transformation of the Overly-Wide Tip Complex with Reinforcement, Repositioning, and Reshaping of the Tip Cartilages – Effective Refinement without Cephalic Resection


A – Introductory
B – Comprehensive
C – Advanced


The Ultra-Wide Nasal Tip is a common challenge confronting the cosmetic rhinoplasty surgeon. It is defined by cupped, wide, and bulbous tip cartilages, combined with a sometimes ptotic and underprojected tip complex. It is also among the most difficult of all nasal morphologies to correct. Because of its obstrusive and undesirable shape, and its delicate structural equilibrium, over-aggressivealar cartilage resection  often leads to severe cosmetic and functional impairment.


This masterclass will discuss the architectural components of the Ultra-Wide nasal tip that contribute to its undesirable shape and its propensity for treatment failures. More importantly, this masterclass will also provide a reliable and effective treatment algorithm  in which tip cartilages are repositioned, reinforced, and reshaped with little or no alar cartilage resection. The result is a sturdy, attractive, and natural-appearing tip complex that will remain stable over time. Representative cases will be presented with step-by-step illustrations.