Seventh Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course

Dario Bertossi


Dario Bertossi



Academic Titles

Associate Professor for Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology University of Verona in the School of Anesthesiology, of Maxillo Facial Surgery, in the School of Medicine and Dentistry


Specialist Titles

Specialist for maxillofacial surgery and stomatology


Facial Plastic Surgery


Special honors

-Law Court Expert (1990 – Now)

-co-founder of the Italian Association AMICI

-co-founder of the International Academy of Piezosurgery

-KOL Allergan


Publications and communications (since 1993)

– More than 140 Papers in international and national journals

– 485 scientific communications

– 45 videofilms

– Partecipation to book and monographs on lip reconstruction, unperfected osteogenesis, reconstructive microsurgery in head and neck, Nasal Surgery

-Partecipation to more than 530 national and international meetings


Editorial activities

-Partecipation to the italian translation of the following books:

1) E. Tardy Jr: Rhinoplasty the art and the science;

2) Sethy-Khaus: Implantology in oral surgery

3) Cohen: interdisciplinary treatment in Preprosthethic surgery Quintessence 2009


-reviewer AJODO

-reviewer PRIME

-reviewer Dental Research journal

-reviewer JOMS

-reviewer Minerva Chirurgica

-reviewer Plastic and Reconstructive surgery

-reviewer Facial Plastic Surgery Journal



Surgical Activity

-More than 12.000 Surgical treatments of Oral Surgery

-More than 10.000 Surgical treatments under general anesthesia


Other activities

Prof. Dario Bertossi is an internationally acclaimed Maxillo Facial Surgeon and Facial Plastic Surgeon known for his innovative surgical techniques and is an international speaker on advanced Facial surgery techniques. Dr. Bertossi has more than 25 years of experience in the field.

Prof. Bertossi has been a visiting professor at many university centers in the USA, Europe and South America. He is actively involved in research and teaching other Maxillo Facial surgeons in the University of Verona and gives surgical demonstrations and training around the world.

Prof. Bertossi is a member of the following societies: The American Society for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, European Academy for Facial Plastic Surgery, European association of maxillo facial surgery, Italian society of maxillo facial surgery, International Association of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery, Italian society for oral pathology, Italian academy for esthetic facial surgery.